Want to work with us?
Do you need a team of expert AI tool crafters - who can design and make products from idea to launch? We've got a little bandwidth for paid projects at the moment, so reach out.
Who are we?
Dr Martin Pichlmair (@martinpi) is Associate Professor at the Creative AI Group in ITU, and a veteran entrepreneur with several games studios under his belt including the multi-award-winning Broken Rules.
Charlene Putney (@alphachar) is an award-winning writer and teacher from Ireland. After working at Google and Facebook in management positions, she's been writing for video games since 2013, including writing for Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3, and Saltsea Chronicles.
Riddhi Raj is a machine learning whiz and expert backend developer.
Together, they make creativity tools, including LAIKA, the Writers Room, and the Drama Engine.